Monday, May 11, 2009


Our mothers used to tell us to eat veggies because its good for us.
Well....she is right!!!. Veggies are very importat for our body.
Here is a look at the goodness of some of the veggies I like.

Carrots (which happens to be my favourite)
Carrots contains Vit. C, folic acid, Carotenes, potassiun and fibre.
Carrots are a very good source of three major minerals: Calcium, Phosphorus and magnesium.They work together to build strong bones and a healthy nervous system.
Carrots are the best vegetable source of vitamin A.
Freshly extracted carrot juice is one of the best natural medicines available for preventions from colds and viruses. Whenever you see the chance to have some cool carrot juice, take it and you will promote your natural resistance to germs and infection.
Remember our mothers used to say that eating carrots helps us see in the dark. Night blindness can be caused by lack of beta carotene and carrots has lots of it.

Broccoli contains Vit. C, folic acid, beta carotene, calcium, potassium, sodium and iron. Because of its high contents of anti oxidants and fibre broccoli purifies and stimulates our liver, which strengthens our body's immune system.
Preventing a build up of texins internally produces results that can be seen on the outside, such as smooth, radiant skin which everyone of us would love to have.
Broccoli caontains Vit. B2 which is required for strong, healthy growth of our hair, skin and nails.
Broccoli contains high levels of iron and beta carotene, that combines with Vit. C helps our body absorb iron into our bloodstream.

Beetroot contains Vit. A and C, folate, calcium, iron and fibre.
Drinking beet root juice every day can help reduce one’s blood pressure.
Beet root has natural property of cleaning the kidneys and gall bladder. The potassium present in it helps in providing nourishment to the body for daily functions while chlorine organically cleans the liver and kidney. In addition, it has positive effects on one’s digestive system as it helps in the treatment of digestive disorders and problems like jaundice, nausea and vomiting due to dysentery or diarrhea. Beet root combined with carrot juice can prove extremely beneficial in building the red corpuscles thereby helping in treating low vitality and anemia. Being an excellent solvent for inorganic calcium deposits, beet juice helps in the treatment of hypertension and other cardiovascular disorders. It is also extremely beneficial for women as it aids in the regulation of menstruation.

Onions contains Vit. B6, c and E, folica acid,calcium and potassium.
There is no kitchen without onions, with its pungent appetizing smell in the air, and the taste of onion filling out the flavours of any Asian cuisine
Oinons are best known as a cold remedy, and they boast many other health-boosting properties. Onions are natural detoxifier and can strenghten our immune system, promoting shiny hair, strong, pink nails and smooth glowing skin. The natural antiseptic and antibiotic properties of onions help repair tissue and cell damage of our skin and prevent against premature aging.

Capsicum caontains Vit. C, E, folate, carotenes, capsaicin nd potassium.
Rich in carotenoids and vit. C, a mediun sized capsicum provides morethan 3 times the recommended daily intake of Vit. c. they have a high water content and useful for keeping the skin and nails hydrated. Yellow capsicum coantian lutein, which helps maintain healthy vision, especially at night.

I l-o-v-e asparagus. It’s one of my favorite vegetables.
It contains vitamins K, C and A, as well as folate.
Traditional Chinese herbalists have used asparagus for thousands of years to treat maladies, including such widely disparate ailments as arthritis and infertility.
If you tend to suffer from bloating during your mentstrual cycle, try eating asparagus in your meals around 10 days before your period is due. The beta carotene present heleps prevent dry, rough cand scaly skin. It is also beneficial if you are prone to balckheads and balckheads. Beta carotene is a great nail strengthener and helps add moisture to dry hair.

Tomatoes contains Vit. C and E, beta carotene and lycopene.
A ripe juicy tomato helps to hydrate the skin and lubricate the digestive system. Tomatoes can provide around 40% of adult recomemended daily intake of Vit. C. This vitamin, along with its fellow antioxidant vit. E also present in tomatoes helps protect the skin and other tissue against free radicals. The bright red pigment in tomatoes is called lycopene, a powerful antioxidant.
Note: i\If your hair has turned slighty green from the effects of chlorine in the water after swimming, apply a mask of tomato sauce to reduce the unsightly shade.

Mushroom contains Vi. B3, B5, biotin,d-fraction, folate,lentinen, copper, iron and potassium.
There are around 38,000 types of mushroom but not all are edible. those that can be eaten are full of goodness and have health giving properties.Mushroom contains B vitamin biotin, which helps to increase energy levels, alliviate muscle pain and repair dry scaly skin.Mushroom contain copper which heps strength the immune system, and play a major part inblood and bone development. The phytonutrient lentinan found in mushrooms may help suppress tumour growth.

So eat more veggies everyday....good for your health.

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