Friday, June 5, 2009


I love corns....its sooo good. Does these corns look delicious. Learn the goodness of corns.

Corn is a highly nutritious food that is particularly rich in immune-boosting vitamins and minerals that benefit heart health, and reduce the risk of diseases like various cancers and diabetes.
Corn is a cereal grain and is also eaten as a vegetable.

Sweet corn is the most popular corn consumed, Other types of corn include dent corn (or field corn), pop corn and flour corn, which is ground corn. However, the most nutritious form is sweet corn, which are the kernels that grow on the cob.
Corn is high in folate, a vitamin not only beneficial for reproductive health, but is known to reduce homocysteine, an inflammatory marker attributed to heart disease.

Corn is very high in phenolic compounds that are associated with helping to prevent colon cancer and other digestive cancers.

Corn is also high in resistant starch that helps promote butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid found in the colon that may be beneficial in fighting colon cancer.

Cornstarch, a component of corn, was shown to improve glucose metabolism in normal and overweight women.

Improved memory Function
Corn is a good source of thiamin, or vitamin B1, an important nutrient for enzymatic reactions involved in energy production, and is also critical for brain cell/cognitive function.

Tips on Using Corn
The sugar content in corn rapidly turns to starch as soon as the corn is picked, so to enjoy it at its optimal sweetness and nutritional peak, corn should be eaten as fresh as possible.

When storing corn, keep it in the refrigerator and do not remove its outer husk since this will protect its flavor.

To tests the juiciness of the corn, press your fingernail into a kernel. Corn that is fresh will exude a white milky substance.

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