Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This is specially for Iris who constantly complained of having constipation.
Try some of these home remedies and see which one works better.
Remember constipation is very bad for your health.
The toxins are re-absorbed into your body and caused all illnesses.

Here are some Home Remedies:

Honey Tea

Add 3 grams of green tea leaves and a tablespoon of honey to a mug of hot water. Wait several minutes. Drink warm after meals.
Moistens the intestines and frees the stools. Particularly suitable for constipation in the elderly and constipation after child birth.

Honey & Sesame Oil Drink

Add a tablespoon of honey and a dash of sesame oil to a mug of hot water. Stir well. Repeat every morning before breakfast.
Moistens the intestines and frees the stools. Especially suitable for habitual constipation with dry stools.

Molasses Drink(Brown Sugar)

Add two tablespoons of molasses to a glass of warm water and stir. Drink twice daily. One of the mildest yet most reliable home remedies for
constipation. Suitable for adults and children - give children just one spoon of molasses though.

Banana & Fig Smoothie

Not really a traditional Chinese home remedy for constipation but effective, and highly nutritious, all the same. Put 2 or 3 fresh figs or dates,
a very ripe banana, a spoon of honey or molasses and a cup of water into a blender. Mix well and drink once a day or so. Suitable
for adults and children.

Spinach Soup

Make a simple spinach and water soup and add a little salt. Another gentle yet effective home remedy for constipation relief - soothes and
stimulates your bowels. You may also add carrot to the soup to further stimulate and soothe your bowels. Suitable for adults and

Senna Leaf Tea

Put 1-3 grams of Senna leaf in a mug and add hot water. Let steep for several minutes before drinking. One of the most powerful, natural home remedies for constipation. Good for moving hard stools with signs of heat in the body, e.g. a red face, feeling hot, bad breath, dark yellowish urine. Senna leaf is a strong
laxative and not recommended for long term use, though, or during pregnancy or menstruation, or by those who are weak from illness or constitutionally weak.

In addition to taking home remedies for constipation relief you should try to identify and eliminate the cause of
your constipation. Diet is usually the primary cause, avoid food such as white bread, cakes,
cookies, pastries, candy, over cooked foods, over cooked meats and too many pasteurized dairy products like milk, all of which do
little more than clog up your colon.

Emotional stress is another common cause of constipation. Breathing exercises and acupressure are simple yet highly
effective ways to deal with stress, anxiety, negative emotions, nervousness and worry.

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